Saturday 30 April 2011


Redang Dawn
We've talked about this since half a year ago, long before I returned from Japan - a trip to Redang Island. But planning a trip is never easy, especially if you're travelling to an island that is not as accessible as your local shopping mall... First, you'll need to either take a plane or a bus to Kuala Terengganu. Then, hop on a taxi to get from the airport to the jetty, where you'll take a boat ride to finally reach the island. That's right, half a day and at least three modes of transportation to get to Redang Island!
Redang Island ("Pulau Redang" in Malay or "热浪岛", literally "warm waves" in Chinese) is a tropical island off the coast of east Peninsular Malaysia. It is a famous spot for snorkelling and scuba diving. Unfortunately, recent years of development and climate change has taken its toll on the coral reefs. Nevertheless, it is still one of the most beautiful islands we've been to. Hopefully, the preservation efforts can put a stop to the deterioration of the environment.

I would like to show you more scenery shots from the island. But the truth is, we took mostly just couple shots and portraits! Posted here are but some of the photos we've taken at the island. For more, head over to my photostream on Flickr.
Happy Times Together :: Redang
Happy Times Together :: Redang
Happy Times Together :: Redang
Happy Times Together :: Redang
Happy Times Together :: Redang
Last but not least, our special thanks to Irene and the hospitable staff from Redang Pelangi for making our stay an enjoyable one!
Happy Times Together :: Redang

0 persons flung their shoes: